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my way

sangadzhiev temir

When I was young child
My fellas not respected me
And To me they was so wild
They could humiliate me

And I didn't need a help
I did everything myself
That to tolerate so long
I must to be very strong

And I often felt a pain
That my body was burning flames
Because It was full of hate
And it only was my blame

Bad words hurt my heart
And I was a very fear
They told me so much this words
That I didn't want to hear

And I know so much this words
That they told me in the face
And when all of them will die
I will dancing on those graves

All of these bitches did to me
Remain in my mem(o)ry
They will apologize to me
When I will have the glory

Part 2

Now I stopped feel a pain
And I dont want this again
I forget about bad
In my mind it will not remain

But often I was cheated
People often told me lie
That they told me in my face
Like a told me cruel "bye"

And i stopped to be a child
I believed in any word
Because I was wery mild
And any lie hurted my heart

But the poetry is my voice
Its my method of expression
And I havent other choise
My poems are my confessions

прочтений: 30
раздел: стихи на иностранных языках
дата публикации: May 5, 2011

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Ещё стихи
- Черным по белому [Анатолий Карташов]
- Узница [ds777]
- Без названия [Хомочка)))]
- *** [Екатерина Лешкович]
- Но... [Ксеня]
- люсе зайцевой привет [витя дафект]
- Осколки тепла... [Арина]
- Стиль жизни. [Ахромеева Анастасия]
- Мадригал Неле(рыцарско-шуточный:-)) [Василий П.]
- Осенний сон [Виктор Козин]
- Зимнее утро [Михаил Васильков]
- по рукоять [КапоВ]
- Не грусти [Алексей Воронов]
- Могилы предков чтить нам надо [В. Лавренов]
- Каменные птицы [Наталья Львова]

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